Intentions vs. Resolutions

We’ve all heard “new year, new me” before and though it’s nice to make new year resolutions, I’ve found it’s not the best way for me to enact positive change in my life. Resolutions can feel constricting and rarely last past January.

Intentions, on the other hand, have been a driving force for my happiness, fulfillment, and overall sense of well being. I came into 2018 armed with some new intentions that have provided me with focus and motivation for who I want to be and what I want to accomplish this year.

What’s the difference?

Resolutions attach us to a specific outcome so instead of being at peace with a new goal, we’re in fear of not completing it and the shame that may bring. Intentions free us from this pressure! You can put aside the challenge of a resolution. A new beginning shouldn’t be a challenge anyway!

Instead, intentions can help you invite these new positive things into your life. Intentions only ask us to be mindful, present, and aware of what we want. Setting intentions helps realign your energy and capacity.

How are intentions set?

Setting intentions for me involves starting my morning with a quiet moment of awareness where I consciously state to myself and the universe what I am inviting into my life. I try to remind myself of my intentions every chance I get so every possible action and moment is in the right direction.

Gratitude is also an important part of setting intentions. I conclude my day with a quiet moment to reflect on the ways my intentions helped manifest small positive change in my daily life.

This cycle of inviting and thanking has led to BIG positive changes over time and has never failed in uplifting me. It only takes quiet moments, awareness, and gratitude!

SO, what are my 2018 intentions?

  1. Good health
  2. Quality time with family

As you all may know by now, I’m pregnant with twins. Since twin pregnancies can be considered high risk and are more challenging to carry to due dates, I want to do everything in my power to help them stay put until April! Setting this intention of good health has helped me make healthier choices with excitement and happiness and not out of restriction. I’m also making my intention to soak up every moment we get as a family of three and preparing to do the same when we become a family of five!

What are your 2018 intentions? 

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